Blue Review Readership Survey: Your Voice Matters

October 6, 2021

We were encouraged by the number of providers who took the time to complete our annual readership survey last year, despite the chaos of COVID-19. Your ratings helped us understand your content preferences. Your comments gave us insight into some of the challenges you faced and how you and your staff coped, survived and even thrived. We can’t thank you enough for sharing your time, experience and unique perspective.

The Blue Review is one of our key communication channels. So, as we move into the final months of 2021, it’s time to take a step back once again to make sure the newsletter is serving its purpose.

  • Are we delivering content that’s clear, concise and compelling?
  • Was there an article or topic you found especially helpful or memorable?
  • Is the newsletter format easy to navigate?

The 2021 survey will be open through the end of November. Your input will inform our plans to enhance the Blue Review and other provider communications in 2022. We look forward to hearing from you.

Take the survey now! 


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