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Doctors and Hospitals

Provider Finder®

Our Provider Finder offers you more ways to search than ever before. You can still look up doctors, hospitals and other providers by location. But now you can compare providers based on price, patient reviews, and recognitions — all empowering you to have more control over your health care spending.

Search for a doctor or hospital in your area:

or log in to Blue Access for MembersSM to:

  • Estimate the cost of procedures, treatments and tests based on provider and your plan
  • See what other patients say about a provider, or add your own review
  • View quality, certifications and recognitions for doctors
  • See if a Blue Distinction® Center for Specialty Care is available near you

When to Visit the Doctor

If you need emergency care,  call 911 or seek help from any doctor or hospital immediately.

Sometimes it's easy to know when you should go to an emergency room (ER), such as when you have severe chest pain or unstoppable bleeding. At other times, it's less clear. Where do you go when you have an ear infection, or are generally not feeling well?

The emergency room is always an option, but it can be an expensive one. You have choices for receiving in-network care that work with your schedule and give you access to the kind of care you need. Know when to use each for non-emergency treatment.

Download this quick reference guide for more information

Making the Most of Your Doctor Visits

Whether you are making an appointment for your annual visit or seeing a doctor for the first time, it's a good idea to be prepared. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your visit with a health care professional.

Prepare for Your Trip to the Doctor

  • Write down a list of symptoms, concerns or questions; note how long you have had symptoms.
  • Bring a pen and paper for questions that come up during your visit; write the questions down with your doctor's answers.
  • If you take any medication, bring a list of your prescriptions and over-the-counter products you are taking.
  • Bring your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois member identification (ID) card.

During the Visit

If this is your first visit to the doctor, you'll need to complete medical history forms. The doctor needs to know about any family diseases or illnesses, or if you have had any surgeries or procedures. Be truthful and don't leave out any information, even if you think it's not important.

  • You will fill out forms related to privacy and release of information.
  • A nurse will take your vital signs, such as blood pressure, height and weight.
  • If your doctor is prescribing medications, ask if there is a generic option.

After the Visit

  • Wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Keep a record of your vital signs.
  • If your doctor recommends additional procedures, find out if pre-approval is required. Call the Customer Service number on the back of your member ID card and give the diagnosis and requested service.