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Doctors and Hospitals

Provider Finder®

Our Provider Finder offers you more ways to search than ever before. You can still look up doctors, hospitals and other providers by location. And now you can compare providers based on price, patient reviews, and recognitions - all empowering you to have more control over your health care spending.

Do a quick search now, or log in to Blue Access for MembersSM to:

  • Estimate the cost of procedures, treatments and tests based on provider and your plan
  • See what other patients say about a provider, or add your own review
  • View quality, certifications and recognitions for doctors
  • See if a Blue Distinction® Center for Specialty Care is available near you.

Health Advisor Support

Your health plan includes support for you and your covered family members from nurses and other medical professionals called health advisors.* This extra help is at no added cost to you.

We may call to help you:

  • Get the care you need for serious illnesses or injuries
  • Have a healthy pregnancy and baby
  • If you have been in the hospital or have had a major surgery

We may  ask you for information, like your name, date of birth or home address, to make sure that we are talking to the right person.

If we miss you, we will leave a message with a number for you to call us back at your convenience. You can set the time you want your health  advisor to call or send them messages through Blue Access for MembersSM.

They can also email or text you helpful information. Any information you share with us is confidential, as required by law.

*Health advisors do not replace the care of a doctor. You should talk to your doctor about any medical questions or concerns.