Pilot Program Starting to Expand Medicare Business

Oct. 13, 2021

A new program will target qualified Retail and commercial members in Illinois when they turn 63 – two years before they’re eligible for Medicare. It’s designed to start the conversation about Medicare early to help keep more members “Blue.”

Opportunity. Only 15% of members stay Blue when they age into Medicare. That leaves a lot of room for growth.

Staywithblueil.com Leaving site icon  is designed with your clients in mind. It’s their resource to get all the information they need to make Medicare choices.  

How it works. Marketing efforts will begin directing members to the website in mid-October. Using email and direct mail, members are invited to visit staywithblueil.com Leaving site icon. You can encourage your clients to use this site to get a head start on their Medicare journey. They can begin by taking a quiz and getting a personalized timeline to guide and educate them up to the time they enroll.

Members can also:

  • Sign up to receive email reminders to stay on track up until enrollment time
  • Learn about Medicare
  • Explore Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Medicare plan options
  • Know important dates and information specific to their Medicare journey
  • Connect with a Medicare customer service associate with any questions

No guesswork. “Many of our current members are not aware they have Medicare plan options and can stay Blue. We are working to create new and engaging online member experiences and help guide our members no matter where they are at in their own personal journey,” says Jean Anderson, director of Medicare Marketing Solutions.

Last Updated: Dec. 06, 2023