American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
Find the same patient education pamphlets you might see at your doctor's office.
American Diabetes Association
Learn about gestational diabetes, a condition where a woman has high blood sugar (glucose) levels during pregnancy.
American Pregnancy Association (APA)
Access a video library covering topics related to fertility, pregnancy, labor and more.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Browse tips to help you towards a happy, healthy pregnancy
Dental Wellness Center
Learn the best ways to care for your and your baby’s teeth to ensure proper dental health.
HER (Hypermesis Education & Research) Foundation
Information about Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), a debilitating and potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease.
Information for women about breastfeeding and parenting.
March of Dimes
Get up-to-date pregnancy and baby news. Browse frequently asked questions for before, during and after pregnancy.
The Maternal & Child Health Library
Find timely parenting and pregnancy information and resources.
Find basic tips as well as the latest pregnancy news.
Get free text messages to help keep you and your baby healthy.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
What foods should you eat or avoid during pregnancy? Visit this USDA site for more information.
Vaccinate Your Baby
Information about infant immunization.
Offers tools and tips for pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.